Our Mission

My first memories in the garden were with my grandparents. They had finally settled down in San Diego after living, first in the Philippines, and then all over the continental United States. 

It was a common occurrence to leave their home with bags and baskets full of their efforts- they just seemed to grow things with such ease. I can’t put my finger on it, but there was something distinctly special about being able to share the haul with family and friends. 

I didn’t personally start my own garden until my husband and I purchased our Phoenix home in 2019.

We didn’t have many wishlist items for the home itself, but it was clear that we wanted something that provided ample space for growing and experimenting outdoors.

Being a wedding and event florist for over a decade I have spent a lot of time around plants. I had a healthy respect for how difficult growing things could be…Little did I know!

Starting our first garden in the desert was like a shock to the system.

I followed “Full Sun” recommendations on big box plant tags. Overwatered. Underwatered. Let things get shriveled and die more times than I care to admit.

It sometimes feels like I’ve made every mistake in the book when it comes to gardening in the desert. 

That is when I started to dive further and deeper into what it takes to grow successfully in the desert. I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I have an insatiable appetite for garden and landscape knowledge.

After having my first, and only, child it was clear to me that I needed to share as much information as possible. Our climate is changing, and it is our responsibility to become better stewards of the planet. 

That is our mission! To share actionable information to those brave enough to grow in the desert. 

Our Core Values

These are the things that we value highly. Without them we would be lost…


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